gd - Wondering What to Choose 1979
Select Year
DateDescetree idRtNotesFlawsdgf
xx/xx/79Go to Heaven Sessions - Betty Cantor's Rough Mixes
 gthroughmixes samaritano97925A lots of digital drops and square wavs but did not hear it too badly***
xx/xx/79Go To Heaven, Betty's Rough Mix
 sbd miller 24,, recording info:, sbd >137649A   
1/1/79Road Trips - Vol 1
 cd > ultrplex > eac > wav > flac$A  ***
1/5/79The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA
 naks wiley17342B+  ***
1/7/79Madison Square Garden, New York, NY
 aud vernon16467B  ***
 nak300 wagner miller87739A-87739 is a different recording than 16467 based on different crowd at end of d1t3; in comparison on jackaroe 87739 has a warmer fuller sound with a little more hiss; a lot of the sound on this is A- but there is the noted pa distortion problems starting near end of d3t3 ***
1/8/79Madison Square Garden, New York, NY
 gatto glyde10283B drop end of d1t8, between cdrs; light square wav static not in music d1t9 6;11***
 nak300 wagner miller87657B+87657 is a different recording than 10283 based on different crowd at end of d1t1; in comparison on candyman 87657 has a little more hiss and a fuller warmer more natural sound and liked better while 10283 has vocals that are harsher and more upfront ***
1/10/79Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY
 gatto kempka307B- drop d1t2 0:00, d1t11 1:05; between cdrs; end of d2t1, d3t2 0:00, end of d3t6; digi-pops d3t1 7:33, d3t3 1:44, 1:45, 1:49, plus more like this on d3t3, d3t4***
 sony senn wagner minches35023B-77328 matches st5 to 35023 with fixed tracks replacing the corrupt tracksdifferent recording than 307 based on different crowd at end of d1t3; this is more muffled and that is a lot harsher and easier to hear the vocals***
 sonyecm wagner minches77328B- flac fingerprints match 35023 st5 when include fixed tracks***
 sony senn wagner miller113114B+in comparison on dire wolf, 125490 has most distortion in vocals and then 77328; 113114 has fullest most natural sound; 307 was narrower and tinnier than 113114 ***
 sony senn wagner miller113446    
 aud cooper berger , source: aud cassette125490   ***
 aud cooper berger 24, 24 bit, source: aud125491    
 aud fob nak300cm , cassette audience master132236 Not Reviewed Yet  ***
1/11/79Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Uniondale, NY
 gatto kempka308   ***
 sbd miller102430   ***
 sbd miller fix 102430102446   ***
 aud cooper berger , source: aud cassette125492B+in comparison on peggio, sbd 102446 has the most upfront fuller and warmer sound but has a lot of hiss that is distracting; aud 125492 has a fuller warmer sound with less hiss than aud 308 ***
 aud cooper berger 24, source: aud cassette125493    
 aud fob nak300 , cassette audience master132250 Not Reviewed Yet   
1/12/79The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA
 claridge kempka309B+ digipops d3t5 4:00 to 4;:01***
 aud fob sony ecm , friday 7:00 pm132217 Not Reviewed Yet   
1/14/79Utica Memorial Coliseum, Utica, NY
 nak300 wiley miller18460B  ***
1/15/79Springfield Civic Center, Springfield, MA
 rolfe wise cohen310   ***
 nak300 rolfe keshevan wise4669 4669 is a not close eac match to 310; 310 has more digital flaws ***
 nak300 rolfe miller90095B+in comparison on jackaroe, sbd is suppressed and flat with som edistortion in the vocals; mtx 102389 improves but stil carries the vocal distortion; auds 90095 and 4669 have similar sound and these auds are fuller and more natural than the sbd and mtx; chose 90095 over 4669 because of pitch correction ***
 nak300 rolfe miller90100    
 sbd miller102389   ***
 mtx chappell sb32111592   ***
 all aud rolfe , recorded by steve rolfe:127556 Not Reviewed Yet   
 all aud rolfe 2496, recorded by steve127570 Not Reviewed Yet   
1/17/79Veterans' Memorial Coliseum, New Haven, CT
 rolfe pujol vernon12200   ***
 sbd mhg77208   ***
 nakcm300 glassberg egert sirmick motb2383831   ***
 nak300 glassberg85101    
 mtx mccabe91783   ***
 mtx mccabe91784    
 sbd perrotti mccabe91787   ***
 sbd perrotti mccabe91788    
 nak301 rolfe miller99009B+in comparison on peggio, for sbds, 102443 has the brightest fullest sound but most hiss, 102443 is next fullest, and 77208 is most muffled; for auds 99009 has a fuller warmer sound than 12200; 99009 also has a fuller sound than 83831 and mtx 91787 and sbds; 83831 mtx 91787 have a warmer sound than 99009 but are a little less full soudiing and they are close secondary choices ***
 sbd miller102443   ***
1/18/79Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI
 senn fishman13058   ***
 rolfe vernon17175   ***
 nak300 rolfe miller100209   ***
 nak300 rolfe miller100210    
 sbd miller102444   ***
 sbd miller fix 102444103186B+in comparison on jackaroe, 103186 has a fuller more upfront easier to hear sound than auds 13058, 17175, 100209, and 106900; for the auds 100209 was easist to hear; 103186 does have some hiss ***
 akg shure friend andrewf106899    
 akg shure friend andrewf106900   ***
1/20/79Shea's Buffalo Theater, Buffalo, NY
 aud claridge wise312 in comparison on peggio, for the moore recordings 19413 and 19413 were the least warm; 110977 and 86374 had the narrowest sound; bertha 100025 has added bass and has the fullest sound; next fullest is 99385; claridge 312 recording is warmest and similarly full to 99385 but also tinny ***
 naks moore12575   ***
 nak700 moore miller19413A- analog drop d3t3 9:21***
 nak700 moore berger tallmadge86374   ***
 fob nak700 moore miller99385   ***
 nak700 moore bertha100025   ***
 nak700 moore berger110977 in comparison on peggio  
 remaster heywood, source: fob cass master124861 Not Reviewed Yet   
1/21/79Masonic Temple, Detroit, MI
 aud cole19083B  ***
2/3/79Market Square Arena, Indianapolis, IN
 set2 nak clugston7116B+  ***
 aud set1 warner19414   ***
 set1 sbd miller102445   ***
 set1 sbd miller102851   ***
 set1 sbd fixed 102851 miller102876A-in comparison on candyman, sbd 102876 is much more upfront than aud 19414; need aud 7116 for 2nd set; phil is high in the mix with strong bass ***
2/4/79Dane County Coliseum, Madison, WI
 nak700 glyde18888A-  ***
 set1 fob nak700 miller32016B+  ***
2/7/79SIU Arena, U of Southern Illinois, Carbondale, IL
 sbd cotsman13879   ***
 set1 sbd andrewf86941B+in comparison on jackaroe, 86941 has a fuller harsher sound with more hiss than 13879 ***
2/9/79Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Hall, Kansas City, KS
 aud nak glyde13848B  ***
 aud unknown gagne smith miller clugston144050 Not Reviewed Yet   
 aud unknown gagne smith miller clugston144051 Not Reviewed Yet   
2/10/79Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Hall, Kansas City, KS
 aud glyde13849   ***
 sonyecm250 walker scotton miller82238B+   
 sonyecm walker scotton miller82239    
 set2 sbd miller97352Ain comparison on wharf rat, sbd 97352 has fuller more upfront sond than the auds; on the auds 13849 was narrowest with most hiss; dolby 82238 has warmest sound; 97354 was tinnier but had pitch correction to speed it up a little; 82239 was tinny and whinier; so need 82238 for set 1 ***
 sonyecm250 walker scotton miller fix97354   ***
2/11/79Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis, MO
 naks vernon16468B  ***
2/17/79Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum, Oakland, CA
 sbd kempka313   ***
 sbd scotton miller88123   ***
 fob menke motb 0110105240   ***
 sbd patched tobin105606A-in comparison on hight time, sbd 105606 and 88123 sound similar with 105606 having the patch; 313 has a little more hiss; mtx 105619 and aud have more hiss and less upfront ***
 mtx tobin105619   ***
 sbd troy smith miller clugston 48, this is145262 Not Reviewed Yet   
 sbd troy smith miller clugston 2496145263 Not Reviewed Yet   
4/16/79Studio Rehersal, Club Front, San Rafael, CA
 studio clugston3121B+this is a close eac match on d1t1 to 4163 with same length and same digital flaws so could choose either ***
 sbd greider ladner4163   ***
4/22/79Spartan Stadium, San Jose State U, San Jose, CA
 sbd bennett12001   ***
 set2 partial sbd deibert12895Ain comparison on wharf rat sbd 12895 has the fullest warmest sound with strong bass; sbd 12001 is overly harsh; aud 91346 is unnatural sounding; aud 105309 has warm full sound and is selected for rest of show; in comparison on sugaree sbd 12001 has harsher narrower sound with more upfront vocals than aud 105309 ***
 aud severson minches91346   ***
 fob holwein menke motb 0116105309B+a lot of this is A- but there are a few songs that get harsher and are only B+ ***
 s1 sbd unk , first set, s1t01 jack straw134401 Not Reviewed Yet   
 mtx dusborne, 4 source matrix, soundboard137822 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob sony ecm270 severson miller clugston145139 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob sony ecm270 severson miller clugston145140 Not Reviewed Yet   
5/3/79Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, NC
 glassberg vernon18870   ***
 nak700 glassberg motb83674   ***
 sonyecm250 walker scotton miller88851B+in comparison on row jimmy, 88851 has a fuller sound than 18870 and 83674; a lot of 88851 is A- quality ***
5/4/79Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA
 nak700 jeffm3824 3824 has same wav and spectral view and levels and digital flaws as 18878 ***
 glassberg vernon18878   ***
 nak700 glassberg motb84825 n comparison on candyman 84825 has a fuller sound than 18878 and 89120; in comparison on stella blue vinyl mp3 had warmer sound but do not know how much better vinyl would be ***
 nak700 glassberg86389    
 sonyecm walker scotton miller89120   ***
 mp3f 474meg; vinyl usenet mp3f, grateful dead hampton '79(1979){rsd 2014}, grateful dead hampton '79, vinyl transfer in 24/96 & 16/44.1 | 2 lp | artwork, rhino r1-541159 (2014), mastered by jeffery norman @ mockingbird mastering, laquers cut by chris bellman @ bernie grundman mastering, pressed @ rti limited to 7900, recorded may 4th, 1979 at hampton coliseum, hampton, va. this album contains the end of the first set, and the second set - minus 'drums'. this is first of what would become a favorite venue of the dead. this was brent's 3rd show., tracks, side 1, 01.loser, minglewood blues, 03.don't ease me in, 04.passenger, side 2, 05.i need a miracle, 06.bertha, 07.good lovin', 08.ship of fools, side 3, 09.estimated prophet, 10.eyes of the world, side 4, 11.truckin', 12.stella blue, 13.around and around, musicians, jerry garcia lead guitar, vocals, mickey hart drums, bill kruetzmann drums, phil lesh bass guitar, brent midland keybords, vocals, bob weir rhythm guitar, vocals, equipment, -vpi hw-16.5 rcm, -clearaudio concept w/ verify magnetic-bearing tonearm, -clearaudio talismann v2 gold ebenholz mc, -musical suroundings the phonomena ii preamp, -zoom h4n, -audioquest interconnects$A-   
5/5/79Baltimore Civic Center, Baltimore, MD
 psbd jools12377   ***
 glassberg vernon18871   ***
 sbd miller34557   ***
 sbd miller fishmanj repitch78748   ***
 sonyecm walker scotton miller89056A-in comparison on sugaree, sbd 78748 speed adjustment seemed better than on 34557; 12377 was very similar to 34557; aud 89056 has a fuller sound than aud 18871 which I smore muffled; matrix 123001 was harsher than either sbd 78748 or aud 89056 and soundes less natural; sbd 78748 has a warmer sound than aud 89056 but aud 89056 has a fuller sound so chose it ***
 mtx dusborne , 2 source matrix, soundboard123001   ***
5/7/79Allan Kirby Field House, Lafayette College, Easton, PA
 aud lai3900 3900 is same recording as 8216 based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t2; 3900 has more hiss ***
 nak700 glassburg clugston8216    
 glassberg vernon18877B+18877 has same wav and spectral view and levels as 8216 with same digital flaws except 18877 does not have drop/cut that is on the end of 8216's d2t6 ***
 sbd , recording info:, sbd > cassette139631 Not Reviewed Yet   
 aud unk , s1t01 don't ease me in, s1t02 me139635 Not Reviewed Yet   
5/8/79Rec Hall, Penn State U, State College, PA
 nak700 willy11552 11552 has same wav and spectral view and levels as 18876 with more digital flawspop d3t6 10:49; static d1t6 5:47***
 glassberg vernon18876A-in comparison on Brown Eyed Women, 87517 has a harsher sound than 18876static d1t7 5:47***
 nakcm700 glassberg egert waddell motb002887517  static d1t7 5:45***
 nak700 glassberg motb87806    
5/9/79Broome County Arena, Binghamton, NY
 naks seff sbefixed4881 4881 is same recording as 99027 based on same clapping wavs at end of d1t2 ***
 glassberg vernon18875   ***
 nak700 glassberg motb85421   ***
 nak700 rolfe miller99027A-in comparison on loser, 99027 has fullest sound with more bass than 4881; 18875 and 85421 are warmer than htose but with less full sound ***
5/11/79Billerica Forum, Billerica, MA
 sony gustin314   ***
 gato vernon19268   ***
 nak700 rolfe miller99029Ain comparison on Peggy-O, 99029 has the fullest sound, then 314 and then 19268, 314 has the warmest sound ***
5/12/79Alumni Stadium, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
 nak700 glassburg willy10345 10345 has same wav and spectral view and digital flaws as 18874 so seem the same ***
 glassberg vernon18874B+in comparison on stella blue, 106434 has a less warm and less full sound as the others; 18874 has a warmer sound than 85220; 18874 has some wind noise and sound quality improves over show to A- ***
 nakcm300 glassberg egert sirmick motb003485220   ***
 set2 nak300 friend andrewf106433    
 set2 nak300 friend andrewf106434   ***
5/13/79Cumberland County Civic Center, Portland, ME
 nak700 glassberg8037   ***
 glassberg vernon18873   ***
 nak700 glassberg motb87854A-in comparison on sugaree, 87854 has more bass making it a little fuller sound than 8037 and 18873; 8037 has the boosted highend; 127354 has a warmer but less full sound than those both on sugaree and wharf rat ***
 nak700 glassberg motb88261    
 stankiewicz 24, 24bit/96khz file set127354    
6/28/79Sacramento Memorial Auditorium, Sacramento, CA
 hollwein munder11159Bin comparison on black peter, sbd 19514 has a moer upfront clearer harsher sound with more hiss than 11159; they are similar sound quality so chose 11159 since it was more complete and got full consistent show but could choose the sbd 19514 too; quality improves on 11159 second set to B+ ***
 sbd set2 jools19514   ***
6/30/79Portland International Speedway, Portland, OR
 senn munder10346   ***
 sonyecm severson minches90694   ***
 senn eaton miller94386   ***
 fob holwein motb 0118105563A-in comparison on candyman, 105563 has the fullest warmest sound, next warmest was 90694; 94386 was harsher than those; 10346 was tinniest and harshest ***
 fob sony ecm270 severson miller clugston145141 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob sony ecm270 severson miller clugston145142 Not Reviewed Yet   
7/1/79Seattle Center Coliseum, Seattle, WA
 sbd barrick315   ***
 sonyecm severson minches90696   ***
 sbd miller93433A-in comparison on peggy0, sbd 93433 has a fuller sound than sbd 315 and mtx 95742 and the auds; aud 105210 has a fuller sound than 90696; sbd sound quality on 93433 rates A but patches are lesser quality ***
 mtx seamons95742   ***
 fob nak700 menke motb 0112105210   ***
 akg d224e holhwein lee smith miller clugston141412 Not Reviewed Yet   
 akg d224e holhwein lee smith miller clugston141413 Not Reviewed Yet   
 sbd troy smith miller clugston , this is a141414 Not Reviewed Yet   
 sbd troy smith miller clugston 2496141415 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob sony ecm270 severson miller clugston145357 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob sony ecm270 severson miller clugston145358 Not Reviewed Yet   
8/4/79Oakland Auditorium Arena, Oakland, CA
 sbd munder9578A-  ***
 sbd munder tetzeli fix 957834259 34259 removes overlap between d2 and d3 on 9578; in comparison on peggyo, 34259 has a fuller more upfront sound than 90699; need 90699 for missing song and pieces ***
 sonyecm severson minches90699B+  ***
 sbd dalton miller clugston , source info:144160 Not Reviewed Yet   
8/5/79Oakland Auditorium Arena, Oakland, CA
 sbd munder9579A-in comparison on candyman, sbd 3255 has a fuller clearer sound than mtx 98716 and aud 98714 which are needed to fill in the indicated cuts ***
 nak700 menke motb 009998714   ***
 nak700 menke motb 009998715    
 mtx menke motb 010098716   ***
 mtx menke motb 010098717    
8/12/79Red Rocks Ampitheatre, Morrison, CO
 sbd clugston9288   ***
 sbd clugston tetzeli fix 9288 reflac35038 this matches ffp of 9288 up to d2t7 ***
 aud cousinit97683  has some wind noise on listening sample on d1t5***
 fob nak700 menke motb 0137107166   ***
 sbd mrbill, recording info:, sbd > mc > r130347A-in comparison on peggyo, sbd 130347 has a warmer fuller sound than sbd 9288 which also sounds fast; auds were not as upfront and clear as sbds; aud 107166 has fuller sound than 97683; 130347 sound quality is generally A but has a buzz sometimes early on like on d1t4 ***
 sony ecm270 severson miller clugston 48145471 Not Reviewed Yet   
 sony ecm270 severson miller clugston 2496145472 Not Reviewed Yet   
8/13/79McNichols Sports Arena, Denver, CO
 sbd clugston9289   ***
 nak700 goetz33583   ***
 set1 sbd miller87271   ***
 sbd miller119999Ain comparison on candyman, sbd 119999 has similar sound to 87271 and is much fuller sound than sbd 9289 and aud 33583; sbd 119999 has a fuller warmer clearer sound than mtx 123208digipops d2t5 8:11, d2t6 4:05, d2t9 7:00***
 mtx seamons , jerry garcia lead guitar123208   ***
8/14/79McNichols Sports Arena, Denver, CO
 aud munder9563   ***
 sbd walker scotton miller32500A-in comparison on stella blue, sbd 32500 has a warmer sound than sbd 119949; sbds have a fuller harsher sound with more bass than auds; auds 93047 and 9563 sound similar but 9563 has more digital flaws; so need sbd 32500 and aud 93047 for the rest of show or just aud 93047 ***
 senn eaton miller93047A-  ***
 s2 sbd walker scotton miller119949   ***
8/31/79Glenns Falls Civic Center, Glenns Falls, NY
 nak glyde9973B+  ***
 sbd miller92924B+in comparison on dire wolf, sbd 92924 has a more upfront sound than the auds; aud 129030 has a fuller warmer sound than aud 9973 ***
 partial aud stankiewicz , partial aud129030   ***
 mtx dusborne, 2 source matrix, soundboard135775 Not Reviewed Yet   
9/1/79Holleder Memorial Stadium, Rochester, NY
 aud10363   ***
 sbd dodd18898   ***
 nak700 wagner miller119964    
 nak700 wagner miller119965   ***
 sbd , recording info:, sbd > cassette123742A-in comparison on friend of the devil, sbd 123742 and 18898 sound similar and chose 123742 because patched with better audience source; sbds are fuller and more upfront than auds; for auds 125463 has fullest warmest sound, then 119965, and then 10363 ***
 akg stankiewicz 2496, 24bit/96khz125463    
 akg stankiewicz , 16bit/44 1khz file set125464   ***
 fob nak700 wagner miller sirmick 24139488 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob nak700 wagner miller sirmick, source:145174 Not Reviewed Yet   
9/2/79Augusta Civic Center, Augusta, ME
 rolfe munder10364   ***
 sbd miller93011A-in comparison on stella blue sbd 93011 has a fuller more upfront sound than auds; for the auds 127920 has warmest fullest sound; 10364 is harshest; 121942 is narrowest ***
 nak700 wagner miller121942   ***
 set2 stankiewicz 24, set 2, 24bit/96khz127920    
 nak700 wagner miller sirmick 24, source:139738 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob nak700 wagner miller sirmick, source:145183 Not Reviewed Yet   
9/4/79Madison Square Garden, New York, NY
 glassberg unknown8379 as reported elsewhere 1st set of 8379 is a different recording than 117776 and 2nd set is same recording; in comparison on 1st set candyman 8379 has a fuller more upfront sound than 117776, but has an annoying person blowing a whistle; in ccmparison on he's gone they are similar sound quality ***
 sbd clugston9452   ***
 sbd miller79747A-in comparison on candyman, sbds 9452 and 79747 sound similar with 79747 having less digital flaws; the sbd is more upfront, clearer and warmer than the auds but not as full; as all of them; aud 127491 has the fullest warmest upfront sound of the auds with lots of bass, then 8379, and then 117776 ***
 nak700 glassberg wise117776   ***
 stankiewicz 24, first set, 24/96 file set127491    
9/5/79Madison Square Garden, New York, NY
 nak700 glassberg wise2484   ***
 glassberg unknown8457   ***
 sbd clugston9453   ***
 sbd miller79748B+in comparison on peggyo, sbd 79748 and 9453 sound similar with 79748 having patches and less digital flaws; sbds are clearer and more upfront than auds and mtxs; aud 8457 and 2484 sounded similar; mtx 110829 has more bass than 102476 as reported ***
 mtx seamons102476   ***
 mtx seamons ht63110829   ***
9/6/79Madison Square Garden, New York, NY
 glassberg unknown8458   ***
 sbd clugston9454   ***
 sbd clugston tetzeli fix 945435218   ***
 sbd miller79749B+in comparison on dire wolf; sbds 79749, 35218, and 9454 sound similar; 35218 and 9454 have same digital flaws as 79749 plus more; aud 8458 is more distantdigi-click at d1t2 0:45, d1t7 0:11, 1:51, 1:52. d1t9 3:44, d1t11 0:12, 5:31, d2t1 2:23, drop d3t4 8:23***
10/24/79Springfield Civic Center, Springfield, MA
 senn munder13298   ***
 rolfe vernon pujol19589A- has a few spots of wind noise***
 senn eaton miller93142   ***
 sbd miller97440A-in comparison on stella blue, aud 19589 has the fullest sound; sbd 97440 is warmer more upfront and clearer; aud 19589 is warmer and more upfront than auds 13298 and 93142; so need sbd 97440 plus aud 19589 or just aud 19589 ***
 fob nak700 rolfe miller clugston 48, this145372 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob nak700 rolfe miller clugston 2496145373 Not Reviewed Yet   
10/25/79Veterans' Memorial Coliseum, New Haven, CT
 sbd set2 goodwin4627   ***
 aud jools19599   ***
 sbd set2 fishman21271 21271 is a close eac match on d1t1 to 4627 ***
 aud set1 sbd set2 miller22311   ***
 set1aud set2sbd miller22792Ain comparison on stella blue, sbds 21271, 22311, and 22792 sound similar with 22792 having better patches; sbds are more upfront and clearer than auds; for auds 93143 has the fullest sound then 90098, and then 19599; so need 93143 for first set and 22792 for second set ***
 set2 nak700 rolfe vernon90098   ***
 senn eaton miller93143A-  ***
 fob nak700 rolfe miller clugston 48, this145459 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob nak700 rolfe miller clugston 2496145460 Not Reviewed Yet   
10/27/79Cape Cod Coliseum, South Yarmouth, MA
 sbd clugston13980A-  ***
 aud rolfe warner19416B  ***
 sbd set2 kaplan28832A drop/cut between cdrs***
 sbd set2 kaplan miller repatch 2883229002A drop/cut end of d1t6 - not seamless; st5 of d1t1 matched that of 28832 d1t1***
 sbd miller29411  drop/cut end of d1; d2>d3 is seamless as indicated***
 sbd miller29490A drop end of d1t8; drop/cut end of d1; set2 is seamless d2>d3; ffp on d1t1 matches ffp of 29411***
 mtx groves92049A  ***
 sbd fix miller98561A drop/cut end of d1; discontinuity d2t5 0:00 but did not hear it; otherwise seamless; very similar sound with slightly different levels to 29411 probably in pitch correction***
 sbd miller98950Ain comparison on black peter, sbds 98950, 98561, 29411, 29490, and 28832 sound similar while 13980 has less full sound and more hiss; sbd 98950 is more upfront and clearer than the auds and mtxs 105234 and 92049; for the auds 127550 has a fuller warmer sound than 109777, 120367, and 19416drop/cut end of d2t6 - not seamless as indicated but did not hear it; ffp of d1t1 matches ffp of d1t1 98561***
 mtx seamons105234   ***
 nak300 friend109777   ***
 aud davew120367   ***
 thirty trips, 30 trips around the sun, cd1, jack straw 8:01, candyman 7:35, me and my uncle > 3:11, big river 7:15, brown-eyed women 5:51, easy to love you 4:05, new minglewood blues 7:05, stagger lee 8:31, lost sailor > 6:42, saint of circumstance > 5:30, deal 5:45, cd2, dancing in the street > 12:24, franklin's tower 17:12, cd3, he's gone > 14:00, caution (do not stop on tracks) > 3:44, the other one > 8:56, drums > 6:30, not fade away > 9:14, black peter > 9:30, around and around 8:08, one more saturday night 5:06$A  ***
 cape cod stankiewicz 24, 24bit/96khz127550    
 fob nak700 rolfe miller clugston 48, this145461 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob nak700 rolfe miller clugston 2496145462 Not Reviewed Yet   
 akgd222e stankiewicz, 16bit/44 1khz145664 Not Reviewed Yet   
10/28/79Cape Cod Coliseum, South Yarmouth, MA
 sbd aud braverman7602   ***
 rolfe vernon pujol19590   ***
 sbd miller30655   ***
 sbd miller105434A-in comparison on ramble on rose, sbds 105434, 30655, and 7602 sounded similar; sbd 105434 has a clearer more upfront sound than mtx 105530 and auds; for auds 113748 has a warmer narrower sound than 19590 ***
 mtx seamons105530   ***
 nak300 morrone113747    
 nak300 morrone113748   ***
 sbd miller , recording info:, sbd > master134396 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob nak700 rolfe miller clugston 48, this145464 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob nak700 rolfe miller clugston 2496145465 Not Reviewed Yet   
10/31/79Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY
 sbd aud shephard9372   ***
 sbd bertha ashley17360A-in comparison on loser, sbd 17360 has fullest sound, then 29410, and then 9372; 17360 has added bass; sbds are fuller and clearer and more upfront than mtx 91040 and auds; aud 86239 is fuller sound than 96606; some songs on 17360 like cassidy rated B+ while others rate A ***
 sbd miller29410   ***
 nakcm700 glassberg motb39 egert sirmick86239   ***
 aud glassberg motb87523    
 mtx groves91040   ***
 sonyecm moskal mandel96606   ***
11/1/79Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY
 sbd clugston2412   ***
 sbd clugston5586   ***
 sbd miller23445   ***
 jaeger nak30077329   ***
 sbd repatched miller77363   ***
 sbd miller78301   ***
 mtx groves91762   ***
 sbd miller113354A-incmoparison on peggio, sbd 113354 has the fullest sound, then 5586, ad, then 2412; the miller sbds 113354, 78301, 77363, and 23445 had similar sound; the sbd is more upfront and clearer than the mtx and aud 77329; mtx 77329 has a fuller sound with more bass than mtx 91762; most of first set rates A but sound turns less clear at easy to love ***
 mtx seamons ht102 , *matrix*,128311   ***
11/2/79Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY
 sbd macdonald7920A-in comparison on el paso, sbd 7920 has a clearer more upfront sound than mtx 124392 and the auds; for the auds 94221 has the fullest sound, then 12761, and then 96553; most of 7920 rates A but it’s a little off at the beginning and distorts in space when gets loud ***
 aud schlissel12761   ***
 fob nak700 glassberg motb 007794220   ***
 fob nak700 glassberg motb 007794221    
 sonyecm moskal mandel96553   ***
 mtx seamons , jerry garcia lead guitar124392   ***
 sbd , recording info:, sbd > cassette142393 Not Reviewed Yet   
11/4/79Providence Civic Center, Providence, RI
 sbd clugston6947   ***
 sbd macdonald7919   ***
 senn unknown minches84210   ***
 akgd200 friend andrewf101485    
 akgd200 friend andrewf101486   ***
 sbd mrbill, recording info; sbd > mc > c128814A-in comparison on brown eyed women, sbd 128814 and 7919 have similar sound and 6947 has a warmer sound than those; 128814 was selected because of the patches; sbd has fuller more upfront sound than auds; for auds 84210 has a warmer sound than 101485 which has a more upfront sound; 128814 rates B+ at first as sound is narrow and then gets fuller ***
 sbd48k 48, recording info:, sbd > cassette142917 Not Reviewed Yet   
11/5/79The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA
 sbd clugston2410   ***
 sbd wier12177   ***
 set2 patched sbd miller28932   ***
 senn barnehama minches83710   ***
 nak300 sharpless89053   ***
 road trips fixed;, the original files were pitch/speed corrected to +45 cents using soundforge 8 with high accuracy and anti-aliasing filter. the resulting files were realigned to sector boundaries using shntool., the new lineage is:, flac > wav (using dbpoweramp 11.5) > +45 cent pitch correction (using sony soundforge 8) > sector boundary realignment (using shntool) > flac (using dbpoweramp 11.5), china can sunflower, i know you rider, cassidy, friend of the devil, el paso, stagger lee, passenger, peggy-o, the music never stopped, althea, easy to love you, eyes of the world, estimated prophet, franklin's tower, space, drums, space, lost sailor, saint of circumstance, sugar magnolia$   ***
 sbd millerrtremaster, notes:, pitch correction done by charlie miller using adobe audition, set 1:, d1t01 - china cat sunflower ->, d1t02 - i know you rider, d1t03 - cassidy, d1t04 - friend of the devil, d1t05 - el paso, d1t06 - stagger lee, d1t07 - passenger, d1t08 - peggy-o, d1t09 - music never stopped, set 2:, d2t01 - althea, d2t02 - easy to love you, d2t03 - eyes of the world ->, d2t04 - estimated prophet ->, d2t05 - franklin's tower ->, d3t01 - drums ->, d3t02 - space ->, d3t03 - lost sailor ->, d3t04 - saint of circumstance ->, d3t05 - sugar magnolia, encore:, d3t06 - casey jones, shntool output$   ***
 deaddownload; road trips full show: spectrum 11/5/79, price: $9.99, the complete show performance from the spectrum in philadelphia, 11/5/79, previously unreleased in its entirety. includes "china cat" as the show opener and a standout set with "eyes of the world> estimated prophet > franklin's tower.", this is a digital-only release. click the drop-down menu above the "add to cart" button to choose 256k mp3s or flac files., save 10% when you order two full shows together - click here!, track list, disc 1, china cat sunflower, i know you rider, cassidy, friend of the devil, el paso, stagger lee, passenger, peggy-o, the music never stopped, disc 2, althea, easy to love you, eyes of the world, estimated prophet, franklin's tower, disc 3, space, drums, space, lost sailor, saint of circumstance, sugar magnolia, casey jones$Ain comparison on peggio, dead download and the 2 repitches of it sounded similar; for auds 89053 is more upfront and 83710 is warmer but suppressedCharlie Miller reports to slow:11/5/79 - 2.0%; 11/6/79 - 2.1%***
11/6/79The Spectrum, Philadelphia, PA
 sbd clugston2417   ***
 sbd miller29735   ***
 set2 senn barnehama minches85575   ***
 sbd millerrtremaster, notes:, pitch correction done by charlie miller using adobe audition, set 1:, d1t01 - alabama getaway ->, d1t02 - promised land, d1t03 - tennessee jed, d1t04 - me & my uncle ->, d1t05 - mexicali blues, d1t06 - candyman, d1t07 - easy to love you, d1t08 - looks like rain, d1t09 - jack a roe, d1t10 - jack straw ->, d1t11 - deal, set 2:, d2t01 - terrapin station ->, d2t02 - playing in the band ->, d2t03 - drums ->, d2t04 - space ->, d2t05 - black peter ->, d2t06 - good lovin', encore:, d2t07 - u.s. blues$   ***
 deaddownload; road trips full show: spectrum 11/6/79, price: $9.99, the complete show performance from the spectrum in philadelphia, 11/6/79, previously unreleased in its entirety. includes a 15-minute plus "terrapin station," along with an extended "playin' in the band" with solid contributions from keyboardist brent mydland., this is a digital-only release. click the drop-down menu above the "add to cart" button to choose 256k mp3s or flac files., save 10% when you order two full shows together - click here!, track list, disc 1, alabama getaway, promised land, tennessee jed, me & my uncle, mexicali blues, candyman, easy to love you, looks like rain, jack-a-roe, jack straw, deal, disc 2, terrapin station, playin' in the band, drums, space, black peter, good lovin', u.s. blues$Ain comparison on candyman, deaddownload and pitch corrected version sound similar; 29735 is similar sound quality and a little warmer; 125957 has a stronger bass but is not as warm as deaddownload and 29735; 2417 is less full sound; aud 85575 is less full and less upfront as the sbdsCharlie Miller reports to slow:11/5/79 - 2.0%; 11/6/79 - 2.1%***
 sbd stankiewicz 2496, 24bit/96khz125956    
 sbd stankiewicz , 16bit/44 1khz file set125957   ***
 sbd gems, soundboard, sony l 750esx hfb137296 Not Reviewed Yet   
11/8/79Capital Centre, Landover, MD
 set2 sbd lai3901   ***
 set1 sbd kolber lai8409   ***
 sbd litfin18126A-shares some but not all md5s with 3901and 8546 and has same digital flaws ***
 sbd miller29503Ain comparison on stagger lee, 29503 has a fuller sound than 8409 and 18126 which sounded similar; need 18126 for second set which does not have repeated songs on 3901 ***
 aud unk , xxxxx minglewood blues missing132330 Not Reviewed Yet   
 mac > hd or maybe the label was swapped132455 Not Reviewed Yet   
11/9/79Community War Memorial Auditorium, Buffalo, NY
 sbd stern318   ***
 sbd stern tetzeli fix 318 reflac34936A-in comparison on loser, sbd 34936 and 318 sound the same with 34936 fixing the d2 to d3 transition; sbds are more upfront and fuller sound than auds; aud jeff stevenson has a fuller less distorted sound than 79702; most of 34936 rates A but several songs are lesser quality ***
 aud unknown andrewf79702   ***
11/10/79Crisler Arena, Ann Arbor, MI
 sbd willy10457   ***
 sbd clugston14108B+in comparison on high time and dire wolf 14108 and 10457 sounded similar with 14108 more complete with patches; 14108 aud patches rate B and sbd rates B+ to A- for overall B+ ***
 gth miller, november 10, 1979, recording137673 Not Reviewed Yet   
11/23/79Golden Hall, Community Concourse, San Diego, CA
 sbd unknown7861   ***
 wagner nak700 minches77330   ***
 fob nak700 holwein motb 0119107405B+7861in comparison on high time, aud 107405 has a fuller clearer sound than 77330; aud 107405 has a warmer fuller sound than sbd 7861 but that has a more upfont clearer sound that some might prefer ***
 sbd , recording info:, sbd > cassette136697 Not Reviewed Yet   
11/24/79Golden Hall, Community Concourse, San Diego, CA
 sbd clugston10022   ***
 fob menke motb 0133106307   ***
 sbd miller113499A-in comparison on peggyo, sbd 113499 has a fuller sound than 10022; sbd 113499 has a clearer more upfront sound than mtx 113741 and aud 106307 ***
 mtx seamons113741   ***
11/25/79Pauley Pavilion, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
 sbd dan7192   ***
 sbd miller25609  discontinuity pop d2t5 1:36***
 sbd miller84489Ain comparison on loser, sbd 84489 has a little fuller sound than 7192; 7192 looks like has noise reduction; mtx 90846 is harsher and less full than the sbd 84489; the auds are less full than the and less upfront than the sbds with 90720 having a warmer fuller sound than 90636discontinuity pop d2t5 1:36***
 nak700 menke motb90636   ***
 nak700 menke motb90638    
 aud severson minches90720   ***
 mtx tobin90846   ***
11/29/79Cleveland Public Hall, Cleveland, OH
 set2 sbd jim11630   ***
 sbd clugston12376   ***
 sbd miller29421   ***
 sbd miller95831Ain comparison on black peter, 95831 and 29421 are similar and have a warmer sound with less hiss than 11630 and 12376 which are similar sound to each other ***
11/30/79Stanley Theater, Pittsburgh, PA
 sbd clugston3118   ***
 sbd clugston miller fix 311821784   ***
 sbd delaney24226   ***
 sbd miller29424   ***
 sbd clugston miller fix 311833215   ***
 fob sonyecm connor76348   ***
 sbd miller95832 in comparison on peggyo, sbd 95832 and 29424 were similar and have a fuller sound than 3118 and 24226 which sound similar to each other; sbd 95832 is clearer fuller and warmer sound than mtz 126893; sbd 95832 is fuller and more upfront than aud 76348 ***
 mtx dusborne , 2 source matrix, soundboard126893   ***
12/1/79Stanley Theater, Pittsburgh, PA
 sbd set2 clugston319   ***
 sbd barbella6022   ***
 sbd miller29429   ***
 aud unknown31330   ***
 sick bits 15 matrix chappell31946   ***
 senn barnehama minches82489   ***
 sbd miller96408Ain comparison on black peter, sbd 96408 and 29429 sound similar while 319 is harsher and hissier and 6022 is more muffled; mtx 31946 does not have as full of sound as sbd 96408; the auds are more distant the sbd and mtx with 82489 having fullest warmest sound, then 120453, and then 31330 ***
 aud unknown120453   ***
12/3/79Uptown Theater, Chicago, IL
 sbd orf320  d2t3 has some small drops***
 sbd bongripper1241   ***
 sbd miller29434A-in comparison on Jack-A-Roe, sbd 29434 has the fullest sound, then 1241, and then 320; sbds are fuller and more upfront than aud 83611; in comparison on wharf rat, sbd 29434 and 320 are similar sounding and have more hiss than 1241 because that has noise reduction; on 29434 first half of show rates A but change in source is not as full and is A-d2t4 has some small drops of which one was heard at 6:27***
 senn frisch minches83611   ***
 davpic, $28.98, hold on to your hat, we're coming in strong with one from the windy city that'll have you movin' and shakin' from start to finish. dave's picks volume 31: uptown theatre, chicago, il 12/3/79 signals a true rebirth of the grateful dead, reimagining classics and foreshadowing their 80s sound. this is as much in part due to freshly-minted member brent mydland bringing the organ back in as it is to jerry finding new vivacity with his custom tiger guitar. new guy, new guitar - it all makes for a heck of a good time!, set one rolls like never-ending thunder with one standout after another - truly epic versions of "brown-eyed women," "ramble on rose," "it's all over now," "althea," and "the music never stopped." set two hits with a crack of not-so-lazy lightning, barreling through an outrageous 28-minute "scarlet>fire" to a unique lost sailor>saint of circumstance and wrapping with a "blow the roof off the place" version of "truckin'" and a rippin' "johnny b. goode." ready for some quiet after the storm? you'll have to wait just a little bit longer - we've filled in the gap on disc 3 with a sprinkle of 12/4/79 - "estimated>franklin's tower>" and an incredibly improvised jam., limited to 20,000 numbered copies, dave's picks volume 31: uptown theatre, chicago, il 12/3/79 has been mastered from dan healy's cassette recordings to hdcd specs by david glasser at airshow mastering., 3cd, mastered to hdcd specs by jeffrey norman, limited to 20,000, released on august 2nd, 2019, disc 1, 1. alabama getaway> [7:05], 2. promised land [4:35], 3. brown-eyed women [5:48], 4. el paso [4:26], 5. ramble on rose [7:44], 6. it's all over now [8:58], 7. jack-a-roe [5:39], 8. lazy lightning> [3:16], 9. supplication [5:25], 10. althea [11:33], 11. the music never stopped [8:17], disc 2, 1. scarlet begonias> [11:42], 2. fire on the mountain [15:28], 3. samson and delilah [7:45], 4. terrapin station> [14:11], 5. playing in the band> [11:20], 6. drums [10:02], disc 3, 1. space> [2:27], 2. lost sailor> [7:06], 3. saint of circumstance [6:11], 4. wharf rat> [11:05], 5. truckin' [9:33], 6. johnny b. goode [4:49], uptown theatre, chicago, il (12/4/79), 7. estimated prophet> [12:01], 8. franklin's tower> [10:12], 9. jam [10:27]$A   
 mtx dusborne, 2 source matrix, soundboard135897 Not Reviewed Yet   
12/4/79Uptown Theater, Chicago, IL
 sbd clugston2535Ain comparison on peggyo, sbd 34937 and 2535 are similar and more natural sounding than 130387 which seems to have noise reduction when looking in spectral view; sbd 34937 seems to have taken a continuous seamless spot of music from 2535 and added fade tracks and said it was now made seamless when the fade tracks are removed; aud 83593 is more distant and less full than sbds ***
 sbd clugston tetzeli fix 2535 reflac34937   ***
 frisch minches83593   ***
 sbd mrbill, recording info:, sbd > mc > c130387   ***
 mtx dusborne, 2 source matrix, soundboard135898 Not Reviewed Yet   
12/5/79Uptown Theater, Chicago, IL
 sbd pset2 ladner9359  *splice @ 00:29***
 aud warner19418   ***
 set2 sbd miller31959   ***
 aud sbd long 19418 and 3195934874   ***
 senn frisch minches83532   ***
 sbd miller112163Ain comparison on black peter; sbd 112163 has less hiss than sbds 9359 and 31959 and mtx 112235; the sbds are fuller and more upfront than the auds; 128617 has a fuller more upfront harsher sound than the others and 83532 has least hiss and 19418 most hiss ***
 mtx seamons112235   ***
 naks mason , "mason b taylor was a taper128617   ***
12/7/79Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN
 naks chase9114  drops between tracks***
 aud miller14842  drops between tracks***
 sbd miller23682   ***
 sbd miller108853Ain comparison on tennesse jed, sbd 108853 and 23682 sound similar and have much fuller sound than aud 14842 and 9114 which sound similar to each other ***
12/9/79Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis, MO
 aud nak warner8833   ***
 sbd miller27751   ***
 sbd miller108854Ain comparison on Candyman, sbd 108854 and 27751 sound similar and have much fuller sound than aud 8833 and 128713; 128713 has fuller sound than 8833 ***
 naks mason , "mason b taylor was a taper128713   ***
12/10/79Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Hall, Kansas City, KS
 sbd ststephen3371  large static d2t1 2:27***
 sbd ststephen tetzeli fix 3371 reflac34938  large static d2t1 2:27***
 aud andrewf76498   ***
 nak700 minches77331   ***
 sonyecm walker walker scotton miller89136B+in comparison on peggyo and wharf rat, sbd 3371 and 34938 are similar with 34938 having fade track that interferes with continuous listening; mtx has a little brighter fuller sound than sbd and uses a much better aud for the patches on the sbd; sbds and mtx have more upfront sound than auds; however the sbd has some unpleasant distortion in the vocals which is carried into the mtx so choosing the best aud; for auds 89136 has the fullest sound then 128746, then 76498, and then 77331 ***
 mtx dusborne, 2 source matrix, soundboard126986  discontinuity pop s2t9 0:01***
 naks mason , "mason b taylor was a taper128746   ***
12/11/79Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Hall, Kansas City, KS
 sbd barbella5981   ***
 naks chase9799   ***
 sbd miller28890   ***
 sbd miller32058   ***
 sbd miller89165   ***
 sonyecm250 walker scotton miller89166   ***
 mtx haugh miller92287    
 mtx haugh miller92439    
 sbd miller103092Ain comparison on loser, sbds 103092 and 89165 have less hiss than 32058, 28890, and 5981; mtx 92439 is harsher and not as upfront or clear or full of sound; sbds are more upfront than auds; aud 89166 and 131731 have full sound with 131731 being warmer and can be an alternate to the sbd; 9799 is more muffled ***
 naks mason partial , "mason b taylor was a128800   ***
 naks mason , "mason b taylor was a taper131731A-  ***
12/26/79Oakland Auditorium Arena, Oakland, CA
 rolfe vernon16092   ***
 aud soundcheck miller17418   ***
 sbd evans gems81323   ***
 sonyecm250 walker scotton miller89187   ***
 dp5;, initial release : may 1996, grateful dead records gdcd-4024, three cd version of the complete december 26, 1979 show from oakland., buy from, tracks, disc 1, cold rain and snow (grateful dead), c.c. rider (traditional arr. grateful dead), dire wolf (jerry garcia / robert hunter), me and my uncle (john phillips), big river (johnny cash), brown-eyed women (jerry garcia / robert hunter), new minglewood blues (traditional arr. bob weir), friend of the devil (jerry garcia / robert hunter / john dawson), looks like rain (bob weir / john barlow), alabama getaway (jerry garcia / robert hunter), promised land (chuck berry), disc 2, uncle john's band (jerry garcia / robert hunter), estimated prophet (bob weir / john barlow), jam 1 (grateful dead), he's gone (jerry garcia / robert hunter), the other one (bob weir / bill kreutzmann), drums (mickey hart / bill kreutzmann), disc 3, drums (mickey hart / bill kreutzmann), jam 2 (grateful dead), not fade away (norman petty / charles hardin), brokedown palace (jerry garcia / robert hunter), around and around (chuck berry), johnny b. goode (chuck berry), shakedown street (jerry garcia / robert hunter), uncle john's band (jerry garcia / robert hunter$Adp5 has fuller sound than 81323 and gdh fm broadcast and auds; for the auds in comparison on brokedown palace, 89187 has a little fuller sound than 16092 and 128505 ***
 soundcheck, source: mac>c>dat>wav>shn, c>shn conversion by cousinit (filler on gd 10/23/80 cd1); 06. Brokedown Palace, 07. Brokedown Palace, 08. Black Throated Wind, 09. Tuning, 10. Minglewood Blues, 11. Drums Bin comparison Cousinit filler is in much more listenable sound quality than 17418 and siundcheck on 16092 and 89187 but did not hear the wharf rat fragment on it; otherwise the Cousinit filler seems to have more rehearsals  
 naks mason 2ndsetonly , "only surviving128505   ***
 fob sony ecm270 severson miller clugston144773 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob sony ecm270 severson miller clugston144774 Not Reviewed Yet   
12/27/79Oakland Auditorium Arena, Oakland, CA
 aud clugston5593A-  ***
 rolfe vernon15081   ***
 set1 sbd miller81601Ain comparison on peggyo, incomplete sbd has a fuller more upfront sound than the auds; auds 5593, 81601.and 15081 have a fuller sound than 83944 and 128618; 5593 has a clearer sound and 81601 is more blairy and 15081 has more hiss ***
 senn421 frisch minches83944   ***
 senn421 walker scotton miller89199   ***
 naks mason , "mason b taylor was a taper128618   ***
 fob akg d1000e severson miller clugston144775 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob akg d1000e severson miller clugston144776 Not Reviewed Yet   
12/28/79Oakland Auditorium Arena, Oakland, CA
 sbd lai4145   ***
 rolfe vernon16117   ***
 sbd ladner gmb87394   ***
 senn421 walker scotton miller89273   ***
 mtx seamons94267   ***
 senn421 walker scotton miller pitch corrected103117   ***
 rt v3n1;, $19.98, road trips vol 3, no.1, oakland 12/28/79, more road trips, road trips 1.1, road trips 1.2, road trips 1.3, road trips 1.4, road trips 2.1, road trips 2.2, road trips 2.3, road trips 2.4, oakland, 12/28/79, the latest installment in our road trips series, now entering its third big year (and ninth release overall) is bound to become a favorite. road trips vol. 3, no. 1 is the complete show from december 28, 1979, part of the sparkling run that has already given us the excellent dick's picks: vol. 5 (from 12/26/79). you'll recall that these year-end concerts, held at the oakland auditorium because winterland had closed down for good the previous new year's eve, were the first holiday shows featuring new keyboardist brent mydland, who joined the band in april 1979., the new lineup had been gaining momentum with each passing tour since that spring, and by december was truly hitting its stride. it helped, too, that the band was in the midst of recording their go to heaven album, so they were really playing together a lot during this period. this 12/28/79 concert is a blast: a super high-energy rock and roll show that also has its share of spacey jams and exploratory passages. the first set includes standout versions of, sugaree, high time, (rare enough that it always felt like a treat!) and, the music never stopped, while the second set opens with the always potent pair of, alabama getaway, >, greatest story ever told, turns deep and introspective with, playing in the band, and, terrapin, and then later turns into a non-stop party with, uncle john's band, i need a miracle, bertha, and good lovin'., if you're not wiped out after that, the double-encore will waste you, casey jones, and, saturday night, !, the limited edition bonus disc we're sending out with this one (if you order promptly) is also a winner from beginning to end, too. it includes the heart of the second set from 12/30/79, including a fantastic, scarlet begonias, >, fire on the mountain, which then goes into a surprise, let it grow., the sound on all three discs is spectacular (it's hard to beat great reels as source tapes), and as always the cds have been mastered to the exacting hdcd spec, because you would accept nothing less. the colorful accompanying booklet contains a number of excellent jay blakesberg photos from those oakland aud. shows, as well as a typically inspiring essay by the always poetic dead scribe steve silberman., so it's a win-win. a slam-dunk. a no-brainer. for more info on all the goodness packed onto these discs, click here. and when you finally come to your senses and decide that you can longer live another day without road trips vol. 3, no. 1, you can order it here., blair jackson, track list, cd 1: oakland auditorium arena, december 28, 1979, 1. sugaree, 2. mama tried>, 3. mexicali blues, 4. row jimmy, 5. it's all over now, 6. high time, 7. the music never stopped, set 2:, 8. alabama getaway>, 9. greatest story ever told, cd 2: oakland auditorium arena, december 28, 1979, 1. terrapin station>, 2. playing in the band>, 3. rhythm devils>, 4. space>, 5. uncle john's band>, 6. i need a miracle>, 7. bertha>, 8. good lovin', 9. casey jones, 10. one more saturday night, bonus cd: (while supplies last) oakland auditorium arena, december 30, 1979, 1. new minglewood blues, 2. candyman, 3. ramble on rose, 4. lazy lightning>, 5. supplication, 6. scarlet begonias>, 7. fire on the mountain>, 8. let it grow, 9. truckin'>, 10. wharf rat$Ain comparison on high time; road dtrips has a fuller clearer sound than sbds 4145 and 87394 and mtx 94267 and auds; for auds 16117 has a more natural sound than 89273 which is harsher and narrower and 128624 which is more echoey ***
 naks mason , "mason b taylor was a taper128624   ***
 sbd , recording info:, sbd > cassette134499 Not Reviewed Yet   
 sbd pcm miller clugston fixed , recording140833 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob akg d1000e severson miller clugston144777 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob akg d1000e severson miller clugston144778 Not Reviewed Yet   
12/30/79Oakland Auditorium Arena, Oakland, CA
 sbd ladner4797B+ drop/cut between cdrs, d2t2 5:20, d2t5 5:35, end of each track on d3; d1t8 4:49 in music; digi-pop static d1t8 5:10, 5:20. 5:35***
 rolfe vernon18221B+ drop end of d1t9, d2t10 5:11,***
 sbd ladner tetzeli fix 4797 reflac35219B+ffp on 35219 matches sbd 4797 up until d2t5; aud patch source on 35219 has light tv band; aud patch on 35219 is bassy and boomy and 4797 is harsher; 35219 has same digital flaws as 4797 except those around the indicated patch; this is patched with rolfe 18221 at slightly different levels; on comparison on candyman and truckin: sbd 35219 has a more upfront sound than the auds but not as full; for auds 89259 and 90677 are fuller than rolfe 18221 and clugston-nak700; 90677 is warmer than 89259; 89259 is a little more upfront with more bass but also more echoey than 90677; no clear winner and all seemed like they would give a similar listen but I would probably first choose to listen to either sbd 4797, 90677 or 89259; they are all different aud recordings based on different crowd on d1t3 ***
 senn421 walker scotton miller89259B+ drop end of d1t9, d1t12***
 sonyecm severson minches90677B+  ***
 fob sony ecm270 severson miller clugston144785 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob sony ecm270 severson miller clugston144786 Not Reviewed Yet   
12/31/79Oakland Auditorium Arena, Oakland, CA
 nak700 rolfe clugston5477   ***
 aud gorinsky6031   ***
 sbd hinko17281   ***
 rolfe vernon18589   ***
 sonyecm walker walker scotton miller88768   ***
 upg sbd tobin , patched and pitched126183B+in comparison on jack straw, sbds 126183 and 17281 have a clearer warmer sound than mtx 126184 and auds; auds 6031, 18589, and 5477 sound similar and is not as warm as 88768 ***
 mat tobin , sbd + aud matrix 3 source126184   ***
 fob sony ecm270 severson miller clugston144795 Not Reviewed Yet   
 fob sony ecm270 severson miller clugston144796 Not Reviewed Yet