jg - Wondering What to Choose 1961
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DateDescetree idRtNotesFlawsdgf
xx/xx/61Early Garcia Compilation
 compilation droncit, 61 07 xx, 62 02 23130666 62-02-23 was reassigned to 63-02-23; for 5/4/63 says from shnid but is really a sped up made harsher 13993 with more noise reduciton ***
7/xx/61Carlos Bookstall, San Carlos, CA
 garcia, leicester, hunter, source: aud > ? > cdr17381C-in comparison on poor ellen and darling corey, 17381 has a harsher fuller sound than pre-warlocks 1960 comp; however the harshness on 17381 also makes it harder to listen to and easier to hear the distortion; 130666 is the narrowest and also harsh like 17381 ***