rh - Wondering What to Choose 1981
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DateDescetree idRtNotesFlawsdgf
1/13/81Molly D rehearsals
 sbd mollydee rehearsals, 01 g,effects 4:16, 02 " 3:02, 03 w/ synth. 2:26, 04 w/ 2 or effect-delay synths 3:14, 05 rh w/ mystery band, 8-7-83 ranch rock 6:07, song not in db. song cuts., commments, sbd/unkn copied from rich petlock may,1988., dragon>usb dad>audacity>flac24-96>16-44 tlh sbe fix., taperchuck3 oct 2012 enjoy! B+rehearsals do not have vocals; live version is more muffled than 9/7/86 29324  
2/12/81Uptown Theater, Kansas City, MO
 sbd unknown101731A  ***
5/8/81Substrata, Evanston, IL
 early show, recording info:, sb > cassette100856B+has some hissanalog pops not in music d1t3 4:06***
 late naks mason , late show, "mason b132347A-  ***
5/10/81Tut's, Chicago, IL
 sbd mason , early show and partial late132359A  ***
8/15/81Rough Hill Festival, Cirencester, England
 aud source, taped by jake frost thanks to john83464B+  ***
10/9/81San Francisco, California Boarding House
 aud, & david nelson, (m?-aud), (the relocated boarding house at 901 columbus avenue in the north beach district), 01. --introduction & tuning up--, 02. sawin' on the strings, 03. crooked judge, 04. dark hollow, total time ::: 11:50, ::: quite fine audience tape with minimal audience noise during the tunes. check samples but do check it out., ::: warts: nothing to scare you off! some microphone motion causing occasional low-end noise, mostly in left channel., ::: all i got of this evening's performance. it would seem to have been a robert hunter gig., ::: if this is already commonly around, my apologies, let's kill it with no shn id. i haven't found it listed., recording information ::: unknown recording equipment -> master stereo audience tape -> unknown generations -> unknown generation maxell xlii-90 cassette, dolby b on., playback 2012-04-22 ::: unknown generation 30 year old(!) maxell xlii-90 cassette on nakamichi bx-300 cassette deck, dolby b on, azimuth & pitch adjusted, heads cleaned & demagnatized -> tascam cd-rw900sl pro cd recorder -> cd-rw -> computer, eac secure -> wavs -> audacity (fades &/or glitches, dropouts, volume adjustments, no eq) -> cd wave (track splits) -> trader's little helper -> yer ears. first uploaded week of 2012-04-25., line-up ::: david nelson - acoustic guitar, vocals // robert hunter - acoustic guitar, vocals, harmonica., nothing here ever commercially released to my knowledge. if i'm wrong, please advise & i'll take the offending trax offline., coolsonics 147 ::: thanks to the original taper & traders! ::: corrections welcome ::: quite enjoyable audience tape of an historically important moment in bay area history. them ole wildwood boys gettin' back together again! enjoy it, however brief., kudos to zongo for life support, lochner for mikes&more & fast freddie for runnin' video dick's record emporium with the bathroom office full of tape decks. thanks to hanwaker (few among us can keep his pace). mountains of gratitude to davmar, d.white, sanchez, elliot, the florida kid, kloiber, zingg, jtw, bershaw, boston gold, weeks, dixon, moore, gough & so many more for all that collecting & sharing... royal thanks to the man in the palace, doc tinker, brinkhoffs, barely eatin', reel master gaule, parrish & all the traders who housed me thru my music acquisition & travel years. hats off to brother kent, uncle jake, little queenie (& her neighbor frank) & his honor ptomaine thomas. glasses raised to byron for musical horizon expansion & much obliged to j & thurston for keepin' my concert fires burnin' since my continental shift. thanks to the mods for keepin' dime alive. enjoy, share, give, spread peace. yers truly, knees, support the artists! www.nelsonband.com -- www.dead.net/band/robert-hunter, do whatever you want with it except sell it, 'cause that ain't cool! B  ***
11/1/81Euphoria Ballroom, Portland, OR
 audience > master cassette > first gen cassette >101244B+ begin of t1 cut; has a lot of occasional big loud digi-noise and pops on t19 and tracks afterward***
11/18/81Celler Door, Washington, DC
 early & part of late, transfer & cd mastering/shn91472B+has some hiss ***
11/19/81Hanger One, Hadley, MA
 recorded by; unknown, transfered by: robert110775B+has some hisshas a few spots of analog popping on t3***
 m1orm2 sbd , set one (m1orm2 sbd), set one133047B+in comparison on jack straw 133047 has a more upfront warmer more suppressed sound than 110775 which has more hiss; need 110775 for rest of show ***